Our Philosophy:
Nature does not create waste…
neither do we.

Applied: adjective
Having a practical purpose or use.
Gaia: noun
The Earth, when regarded as the self-regulating organism described by the Gaia hypothesis… Our destiny is dependent on what we do for Gaia as a whole.
Gaia Hypothesis: noun
A theory advancing the notion that life on Earth is perpetuated by the interaction of organisms with their inorganic environment, a process maintained by the Earth’s self-regulation of its own material conditions and requirements.
Our Focus: Better Biochar
According to a recent report by the UN, at the current rate of degradation,
we only have 60 years of usable topsoil left.
With high quality Biochar, the agriculture industry can stand a chance
against the looming threat of losing usable topsoil.
Additionally, the feedstock used in the pyrolysis process are non-depleting resources,
meaning that there will always be supply available to meet the global Biochar demand.
Applied Gaia is committed to the production of Biochar and our other products, utilizing our proprietary technology, industry specific knowledge and focus on improving the world’s soil.